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If you live in State Responsibility Area  (areas where CALFIRE is the primary emergency response agency responsible for fire suppression and prevention*) you are responsible for ensuring that your property is in compliance with California’s building and fire codes that call for homeowners to take proactive steps to protect their property from a wildfire.


California law requires that homeowners in SRA clear out flammable materials such as brush or vegetation around their buildings to 100 feet (or the property line) to create a defensible space buffer. This helps halt the progress of an approaching wildfire and keeps firefighters safe while they defend your home.


The law also requires new homes to be constructed with fire-resistant materials. By building your home with materials like fire-resistant roofing, enclosed eaves and dual-paned windows, you are hardening your home and giving it a fighting chance to survive a wildfire.


By following the law, you will help prevent buildings from being ignited by flying embers, which can travel as much as a mile away from a wildfire.


Regarding Evacuation

California law authorizes officers to restrict access to any area where a menace to public health or safety exists due to a calamity such as flood, storm, fire, earthquake, explosion, accident or other disaster. Refusal to comply is a misdemeanor. (Penal Code 409.5)

*Much of the Piercy area is considered an urban/wildland interface.

Our small volunteer fire department will always be subservient

to a hierarchy of incident command.

Which means we are in a State Responsibility Area

County burn seasons are:

  • Burn Suspension Lifted

  • Winter Burning Season

  • Burn Suspension

  • Fire Season

When Mendocino County is in 'Fire Season' Burn permits are required by:

Air Quality, CalFire, and local fire agencies.

Burn hours are 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. only on permissive burn days.


Winter Burning Season

When Mendocino County is in 'Winter Burning' season. Burn permits are required by:

Air Quality, CalFire, and local fire agencies.

Burn hours are 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. only on permissive burn days.


Burn Suspension

Burn Suspension is declared by CalFire and goes into effect when fire danger is high.

When Mendocino County is in 'Burn Ban/Burn Suspension' 

All open burning permits are SUSPENDED. Campfires may be permitted by CalFire.


Fire Responsibilty Areas

The California Department of Forestry - State Responsibilty Area (SRA), and Fire Protection - Local Responsibilty Area (LRA), and the Air Quality Management District require a Burn Permit for all 'open outdoor burning' during 'Fire Season' on lands under their jurisdiction.


All residential and open outdoor burning require a burn permit and are allowed only on permissive burn days.

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